Recognition of foreign specialization
The following 5 professions have legally recognised specializations: dentists, doctors, health psychologist, nurses and pharmacists. Do you have a legally recognised specialism? If so, you can apply simultaneously for recognition of your basic profession and your specialism.

Log in to BIG-register
Would you like to have your specialism recognized and registered immediately? Please indicate this on the application form in the BIG register.
Log in at 'Mijn BIG-register' [in Dutch] with your DigiD. If you do not have a DigiD yet, apply for an account via DigiD. Anyone who has a citizen service number (BSN) can apply for a DigiD. Don’t you have a BSN (yet), for example because you (still) live abroad? Then you can log in with a BIG login. You can apply for a BIG-login on this website. Complete the application in full.
Conditions for a combined application
- You have a (foreign) diploma as a dentist, doctor, health psychologist, nurse or pharmacist;
- You have a legally recognised specialism; see the List of legally recognised specialisms (in Dutch);
- On the application form you have listed that you want to have your specialism recognised.
The application form lists which documents we need to evaluate your combined application.
How does specialty recognition work?
When the BIG-register has received all your documents we will assess your basic diploma. We will also inform the specialist registration committee of your application and its progress.
The specialist registration committee of your professional association will assess your specialist diploma and any other specialist demands that apply. The professional association may contact you directly about your application.
Make sure your application is complete. Otherwise we cannot take it under consideration.
Processing time at most 4 months
Do you have a European diploma? Recognition of your basic diploma and specialism may take a maximum of 4 months.
When you do not have a European diploma recognition may take longer. We will inform you about the processing time once we have all your documents.
Registration in the BIG-register costs € 85. If you have a non-European diploma extra costs for assessment apply.
For costs of registering a specialization please contact your specialist register (information in Dutch):
Dentists: Registratiecommissie Tandheelkundige Specialismen (RTS)
Doctors: Registratiecommissie Geneeskundig Specialisten (RGS)
Health psychologists: Commissie Registratie en Toezicht (CRT)
Nurses: Registratiecommissie Specialismen Verpleegkunde (RSV)
Pharmacists: Specialisten Registratie Commissie (SRC)