For information in Dutch:

Technical malfunction

Unfortunately, this means it will take longer before you see the documents you sent to us in your online file. It also takes longer before you receive a message from us. We work hard to add your documents to your file within 8 weeks.

Vlaggen van enkele Europese landen

Recognition Foreign diploma

Working in the Netherlands with a foreign healthcare diploma is only possible if your knowledge and skills are equivalent to those of a healthcare provider with a Dutch diploma. To determine this, your diploma must be officially recognized. Dutch language skills at the right level are a requirement in almost all situations. Do you want to work in one of the BIG professions? Then registration in the BIG register is a necessary step.

Last updated on the 10th of May 2023

Which procedure? Fill in the Advice Wizard.

There are 3 procedures for applying for a recognition off your diploma. The Advice Wizard helps you to determine which procedure applies to you.