Information meetings and consultation hours

We believe it is important that you know what to expect when you go through the procedures and, if applicable, when taking the professional (BI) test. We therefore organize information meetings. You can also schedule a personal appointment during one of the consultation hours. If a situation arises during the application process (or afterwards) that you cannot resolve yourself, it is also possible to make an appointment with one of our recognition consultants.

General information meeting

During these meetings we will, among other things, provide more information on the procedures Certificate of competence or Recognition of professional qualifications and the documents you have to submit. It will also be possible to ask questions.


  • September 10, 2024 between 2:00 - 3:30 PM (on location)
  • September 17, 2024 between 2:00 - 3:30 PM (online)
  • December 10, 2024 between 2:00 - 3:30 PM (online)

Who is the meeting for?

This general meeting is for (prospective) applicants of a Certificate of competence or a Recognition of professional qualifications.

Not sure which procedure applies to you? Please complete the advice wizard before registering for the information meeting.


The meeting will be held in The Hague. It is also possible to follow the meeting online. The address details of the location can be found in the registration form and in the confirmation. For online you will receive an email with a link a few days before the meeting.

Professional test (BI) information meetings

Information meetings are held for each profession for the professional (BI) tests. In the letter you receive from us, you will find information about the meeting for your profession.

Sign up

You can register for the online information meeting BI-test nurses by sending an email to State your first and last name, profession and your e-mail address.

Location: online

Due to Corona, the meetings are currently organized online. After your registration you will receive a confirmation with information and instructions for participation.

Consultation hours

During a consultation of half an hour you can ask questions about your application or the documents to be submitted to an employee of Recognition Foreign Diplomas (“Erkenning Buitenlandse Diploma’s”). It is also possible to have your documents viewed. The appointment can take place with us in The Hague or online.

During the consultation, Dutch or English will be spoken. If you do not speak either of the languages, we recommend that you bring an interpreter with you.

For whom?

The consultation hour is for care providers who want to apply for a Certificate of Competence (“Verklaring van Vakbekwaamheid”) or a Recognition of Professional Qualifications (“Erkenning van Beroepskwalificaties”) and who are busy preparing the application. Have you already submitted an application and do you have questions about this current application? Please contact our information line.


The appointment lasts half an hour. When registering, please provide two or three options of the dates* below. You will receive the definitive date and time by e-mail at least one week in advance.

*Due to the summer holidays, there are no consultation hours from July 15 to August 30.

Where: online or on location

The consultation hour can take place both digitally and on location. You indicate your choice when registering.


If you have opted for an online appointment, you will receive a link with a short instruction.

On location

The address for the consultation hour on location is:

De Hoftoren
Rijnstraat 50
2515 XP Den Haag

Due to the registration at the reception, we advise you to be present 15 minutes before the appointment.

Sign Up

Send an e-mail to containing:

  • Your name
  • Your phonenumber
  • Your profession
  • Country of graduation
  • The two or three dates of your choice
  • Whether you want an appointment online or on location
  • Whether you are bringing an interpreter and if so, the interpreter's name
  • Possibly your global questions in advance

Submit your application immediately?

If you have an appointment at our location and your application is already complete, you can also leave your application directly with us. In that case, bring the fully completed application form with all required documents with you.

Is your application not yet complete? Then we’ll advise you during the appointment about the missing information or documents. You will then send the application at a later time.

Make an appointment with one of our consultants

During (or after) the recognition procedure at the CIBG, things might not go the way you expected. Maybe you don't know what to do anymore or what is expected of you. In that case you can contact one of our recognition consultants, Maartje van Vliet or Avishka Kapoerchan-Niddha. They listen to your problem and will try to find a solution together with you.

You can reach Maartje and Avishka by email:

Important to know: our consultants have no influence whatsoever on the advice of the CBGV (this is an independent committee), on the content of the tests or the test results.