Professional test

STAP 7 - Verklaring Vakbekwaamheid

If you are a doctor, dentist or nurse, you must take a professional test (BI-toets). This tests is administered at a number of times per year.

For doctors, dentists and nurses

Doctors, dentists and nurses must take a professional content test (BI test). You will receive a letter from us inviting you to register for the BI test when your file is complete. In this letter you will also find information about the costs and payment. After you have paid, we will send you the details and the information which you can use to register for the test.

Information on the content of the professional test

For nurses, this consists of a written knowledge test, a skills test and a 'clinical reasoning' interview. For doctors and dentists, basic and clinical knowledge is tested in writing. In addition, doctors and dentists must take a skills test on test subjects. More substantive information can be found via the links below (information in Dutch):

  • Doctors; There are three testing rounds every year. A maximum of 25 doctors can participate per test round. You can register for a test round up to 8 weeks before the first test. All 2024 test rounds are full. The 1st and 2nd test rounds for 2025 are also full. There are limited places available for the 3rd test round. The dates for the 3th test rounds are:
Professional test round 3 2025
Professional test Test date            University information meeting
iVTG (interuniversity Progress Test in Medicine) october/december 2025
8.30 AM – 1PM
october 2025 (online)
1 - 5 PM
DKV (clinical skills subtest)

october/december 2025
8.30 AM

october 2025
10.30 – 12 AM

RadboudUMC Experience Center
Geert Grooteplein Noord 15 6525 EZ Nijmegen

DKK (clinical knowledge subtest) november 2025
8.30 AM - 5 PM
october 2025 (online)
1 – 5 PM

Based on the results, a consultation will be held with you. You will receive an invitation for this.

  • Dentists; There are two test rounds at ACTA every year. Due to the test capacity, you may not be able to participate in the next test.
  • Nurses (information in Dutch)

Costs BI-test

  • Doctors: € 1.700;
  • Dentists: € 1.500;
  • Nurses: € 400.

Is it not (yet) possible for you to take the professional test?

Please let us know as soon as possible and state why you cannot yet take the test. The amount will then be refunded to you.

Information meetings

We organise information meetings several times a year. During these information meetings you will receive information about the tests and you will be able to ask questions.