Recognition of professional qualifications
This procedure generally applies if you have obtained a diploma in an EU member state or Switzerland, but which is not automatically recognized. You will probably have to make preparations before you can start with the application. Therefore, read the step-by-step plan below carefully, so that you know what to expect. After obtaining a recognition of professional qualifications it is possible, for certain professions, to apply for a BIG-registration (see step 9).
Last updated on the March 3rd 2024.
The processing of your application starts when we have received your application and all required documents. Processing takes a maximum of 12 weeks. If necessary, this can be extended by 1 month.
Information about recognition of foreign diploma's is also available in Dutch.
Step by step plan
You can expand each step to see information about that step.
The procedure in 9 steps
If you have not already done so, first check via the Advice Wizard whether the procedure for recognition of professional qualifications applies to your situation.
It is important that you properly prepare your application to ensure that your application is processed quickly. Consequently, you should carefully read the section entitled Preparing the application. In addition to this we organise general information meetings about this procedure a number of times per year.
You will receive all messages about your application in your digital file on 'My BIG register'. To view your message in your file, you must log in with your DigiD or your BIG login. For more information go to 'Preparing the application'.
Complete the general application form [in Dutch] and, if applicable, the profession-specific annex.
If you want to have your specialism recognized at the same time, please indicate this on the form.
Print the form and sign section 12 of the application form.
Add the requested documents. See section 13 of the application form and more information about the documents you have to send to us.
Important! Complete the application form in full and add all documents, otherwise we will be unable to process your application.
You should send the form, any annex(es) and the required documents to:
Recognition of foreign qualifications
P.O. 16114
2500 BC The Hague
The Netherlands
You will receive a confirmation of receipt within 2 weeks. You will be notified if any documents are missing.You will receive all messages about your application in your digital file on 'My BIG register'. To view your message in your file, you must log in with your DigiD or your BIG login. For more information go to 'Preparing the application'.
The Commission for Foreign Healthcare Graduates [Commissie Buitenlands Gediplomeerden Volksgezondheid] (CBGV) is an independent commission that assesses your application. When your application is complete, and if the CBGV considers it necessary, we will submit your qualification to the Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education (Nuffic) or the Foundation for Cooperation on Vocational Education, Training and Labour Market [Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven] (SBB). After that the CBGV will advise on the application. Read more about the Commission for Foreign Healthcare Graduates.
After we have received the CBGV's advice, we will first send you a message explaining to you which decision we intend to take. This is referred to as the intended decision. This decision may be positive or negative. The commission may also indicate that they can only recognise your qualification after you have successfully completed an adaptation internship or have submitted a proof of competence. You can read more about the decision on the 'Assessment and decision' page.
You will receive all messages about your application, including the decision, via your digital file on 'My BIG-register'. For more information go to 'Preparing the application'.
If you do not agree with the decision, you have 2 weeks to respond. If you do not respond, you will receive the final decision after these 2 weeks. You can still object to the final decision. Read more about this on the page 'Objections and applications for review'.
The positive decision you have received is your recognition. So keep this document well.
Recognition of specialization
If you have indicated in the application that you also want recognition for the specialization you obtained abroad, we will forward the positive decision to the specialist registration committee for your specialization. This committee will then contact you. Read more about recognition of foreign specialization.
If you have received your recognition and you are a pharmacist, doctor, physiotherapist, health psychologist, clinical technologist, psychotherapist, physician assistant, dentist, midwife, nurse and general remedial educationalist, you will now be able to apply for your BIG registration. If you want to start working in the Netherlands in one of these professions and use your professional title, you are only allowed to do so if you are listed in the BIG register.
One of the conditions for a BIG registration is that you can demonstrate that you have a sufficient command of the Dutch language. In connection with this you must submit proof of Dutch language proficiency.
If you obtained your diploma more than 5 years ago, additional requirements apply for the BIG registration. Read more about 'Applying for BIG registration with recognition'.
For the other professions you can use your professional title and independently practise the profession if your qualification has been recognised in the Netherlands.